Kiryuu Sakuya authored
- Rewrite bot by using tgbotapi/v5 - Drop hololive function for this release because still need to test - Use a new method to use the bot token.
Kiryuu Sakuya authored- Rewrite bot by using tgbotapi/v5 - Drop hololive function for this release because still need to test - Use a new method to use the bot token.
A simple bot using webhook.
Example usage: @ikazuchi_bot
Special thanks to @enihsyou.
What can it do
Command | Description |
/choice | What do you want? |
/hitokoto | Say something. |
/uselessweb | Explore the internet? |
/crxdownload | Download crx files. |
/yandere | Random picture from yande.re. |
/hololiveupcoming | Show Hololive upcoming stream schedule |
Usage: /choice <item1>
Support quotes. Example: /choice "Haachama cooking" Beer Rice
Usage: /hitokoto
Only choose from anime series.
Usage: /uselessweb
Usage: /crxdownload <Chrome Webstore URL or extension ID>
Example: /crxdownload https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/new-tab-redirect/ichehieikadgglcchlpicbdhfkbklimg
or /crxdownload ichehieikadgglcchlpicbdhfkbklimg
. When submit an URL, Both HTTP & HTTPS are ok.
Usage: /yandere
Post a random picture from yande.re.
Usage: /hololiveupcoming
Show Hololive upcoming stream schedule.
Usage: /cangkua
Pick a random article from cangku.
Usage: /rbq
This is a improved v1 function.
This bot can be deployed on Vercel. Please set these variables:
- TGBot_ADMIN: Admin UID.
- CANGKUACC_USERNAME : For cangku random article usage.
- CANGKUACC_PASSWORD : For cangku random article usage.
Also, please set the webhook url of the bot by requesting bot api like this: