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Other labels 17
ZFR / ikazuchi_bot
Priority 1 - Urgent (SLA for bugs and security issues: Fix ASAP in the current release and within 30 days)
ZFR / ikazuchi_bot
Priority 2 - High (SLA for bugs and security issues: Fix in the next release or within 60 days)
ZFR / ikazuchi_bot
Priority 3 - Medium (SLA for bugs and security issues: Fix in the next 3 releases or 90 days)
ZFR / ikazuchi_bot
Priority 4 - Low (SLA for bugs and security issues: Anything beyond 3 releases or more than 90 days)
Waiting For Upstream
ZFR / ikazuchi_bot
Waiting upstream to fix the bug, merge the code, add the feature or release.